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current trivia game code (py):

import time print("welcome") print("this is the official syd barrett trivia game") print("use all lower case and immaculate spelling") print("are you ready? (yes / no)") prompt1 = input() if prompt1 == "no": print("ok girl") print("how about now?") prompt1no = input() if prompt1no == "yes": print("let's go") if prompt1no == "no": print("girl bye") time.sleep(2) print("it's so joever") if prompt1 == "yes": print("great, let's go") print("what was pink floyd called when syd barrett first joined them?") print("hint: it's literally saur english") prompt2 = input() if prompt2 == "the tea set": print("that is correct!") print("they met at") if prompt2 != ("the tea set"): print("that is incorrect. reenter answer :3") #inquiries #how would i make a randomized function so the questions are not particularly in the order i type them? # # #question ideas #who did syd barrett shoot the cover of his album "the madcap laughs" with #what colors did syd paint his apartment floor? he had wooden floors so it looked like it had stripes on it. #purple and yellow #yellow and purple #maybe give options? y&g, p&g, etc. and then they type verbatim # # # # #

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